Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September Meetup

A wrap up of our September meeting:

  • Martin Vasko presented his product expressFLOW (soon to be launched) and its technical details. It allows to store sensitive data AES-encrypted on the Google cloud while keeping the ability to use their web interfaces (through a browser extension). He heavily uses the Google Drive API and SDK, stores data on Google Cloud Storage, runs his web application on the Google App Engine and scales the encryption and decryption part out to Google App Engine Backends.
  • Helmuth Breitenfellner promoted our DevFest Vienna (10.-11. November), and Devoxx (12.-16. November) in Antwerp.
  • Sergii Kauk did a lightning talk about hacking mail delivery, essentially to solve the problem of getting technical gadgets that are technically available but just don't get shipped to your home country (yet).