Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October Meetup: Google Play service, Maps API cemetery

Helmuth gave a talk about Google Play services which allow integrating Google +1 button in Android apps, like it was done on the DevFest Vienna app. With only a few lines of code users of an app can then recommend content displayed on the app, provided it has a regular web URL.

Sergii was walking with us along the cemetery of discontinued and deprecated Google Maps related APIs, like the Google Mapplets API or the Google Maps Data API. One of the advantages of the Google Maps Data API is that the maps created can be used on all clients, including mobile. Sergii showcased the Citybike Wien map which fetches current Citybike locations using Apps Script.
He also demoed his Chrome extension Maps Suggestion Box which allows to get location based search suggestions directly from the omnibox.

Finally we talked about DevFest Vienna, and the speakers present were giving a short overview on their sessions. All the sessions can be found on the agenda page as well as using the Android app.

Looking forward to seeing you all at DevFest Vienna on 10 + 11 November!

Maps API Cemetery

Play Services