We had a great presentation and introduction into +Ingress by +Anna Kastlunger. She made the essential terms like XM, Portal, Resonator, XMP Burster easy to understand. Really a great way of starting to play Ingress! She then shared invite codes with interested members (and yes, we still have some - just comment on this post on G+!)
Afterwards +Sergii Kauk showed the various ways of authorizing requests to Google APIs: OAuth 2.0 (the only non-deprecated way), OAuth 1.0, AuthSub, and Client Login (including application-specific passwords). He also went into the details of 2-legged OAuth 1.0 for Google Apps and the specifics of service accounts for OAuth 2.0 and the use of the API console.
Then we had a lightning talk by +Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ: why you should have your own domain. Not only is your own domain more beautiful with maybe a cryptic number at your internet provider, but it also allows your services and email addresses to be portable - they go with your when you change the ISP. And he then went into the details of OpenID which allows to have your own identity server hosted by you.
Thanks to all for coming and making this such a nice event!
Ingress presentation by +Anna Kastlunger
OAuth 2.0, OAuth 1.0, AuthSub and ClientLogin presentation by +Sergii Kauk