Some very cool announcements were made, including:
- Cloud Functions now in open beta
- Cloud Functions for Firebase now in open beta
- Google Drive: Team Drives, File Stream, and more
- Hangouts: Chat & Meet (... and the Jamboard)
- ... and many more
Want to apply to some of the new G Suite features? Sergii has digged out the following links:
At the end we raffled three tickets for WeAreDevelopers, which takes place on 11-12 May 2017. Congratulations to Christian, Rebecca & Willy!
For everybody else: use the code GDGVIENNA20 for a 20% discount off the current price.
And our next events are already planned. On Saturday 11 March we have Women Techmakers Vienna - Telling Our Story, and on 26 April we will have a deep-dive into some of the news from Next '17: Cloud Functions & Cloud Functions for Firebase, going serverless with Google.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!